The foundation
I have always struggled with my identity. Who am I and who am I created to be? Looking for superficial answers, I turned to society. I thought that if I knew what others thought of me, then I could use those pieces to piece myself together. Due to that, I fell victim to the ideology society tries to instill in us, and that's the belief that finding ourselves is everything. That all of our questions' answers can be found within. Aristotle, an Ancient Greek philosopher, claims, “Knowing yourself is the beginning of all wisdom.” Following that thought process, I thought it was up to me to be everything I wanted to be, and what followed was struggle after struggle.
Chasing fleeting answers never led to satisfaction.
My drive was that the quicker I discovered myself, the quicker I could uncover what God has in store for me.
Eventually with the patience of God I was able to understand the truth.
Humans cannot be both the problem and the solution. The solution, the answers, we desperately search for is not found within, but found only in Jesus.
Below is an image of the Old Sheldon Church ruins located in the beautiful Beaufort, South Carolina. The church was built around the time of 1745 to 1753. The original walls and four columns remain for over two hundred and fifty years. That is a testament to the solid foundations. Those walls and columns have withstood two fires, the seasons and countless storms. Lord help my foundation in you be so strong that even after my time on this earth has passed. My foundation remains as a testament to your goodness.
And to counter Aristotle that Bible states, “The fear of the Lord is the beginning of wisdom..”
-Proverbs 9:10-12
Armed with this understanding, we are confident we can establish our lives on solid foundations.
